These are essential services and therefore companies and workers who belong to the following areas of activity will be able to continue working as of this Tuesday, as stated in the BOE published this Sunday. The twenty areas of activity are set out in the annex to the draft, in addition to some specific considerations for public workers and staff in the administration of Justice.
The draft states that the activities contained in the royal decree that declared the state of alarm on 14th March 2020 must continue to carry out their work.
The regulation suspended the opening to the public of retail establishments, with the exception of retail commercial establishments for food, beverages, products and basic necessities, pharmaceutical establishments, medical, optical and orthopaedic products, hygiene products, the press, stationery, fuel for the automotive industry, tobacconists, technological and telecommunications equipment, pet food, internet commerce, telephone or correspondence, dry cleaners and laundries.
There are specifications to take into account in the list provided by the Government.
1. Workers of activities that participate in the market supply chain and in the operation of the services of the production centres of basic goods and services (food, beverages, animal feed, hygiene products, medicines, sanitary products or any product necessary for the protection of health)
2. Hotel and restaurant services with home delivery.
3. Services in the production and distribution chain of goods, services, sanitary technology, medical material, protective equipment, sanitary and hospital equipment and any other sanitary materials.
4. Essential activities for the maintenance of the productive activities of the manufacturing industry. Supplies, equipment and materials necessary for the maintenance of the essential activities included in this annex.
5. Transportation services, both for people and goods, that have continued since the declaration of the state of alarm.
6. Those that provide services in Penitentiary Institutions, civil protection, maritime or other rescue, prevention and extinction of fires, mine safety, and traffic & road safety. Private security companies that provide transportation, alarm response, surveillance services, and security services for essential services and supplies to the population.
7. Maintenance of the material and equipment of the armed forces.
8. Health centres, services and establishments, people who care for the elderly, minors, dependent people or people with disabilities, and people who work in R&D and biotechnology centres linked to COVID-19,
9. Centres, services and establishments for animal health care.
10. Services and points of sale of the press, media or news agencies of public and private ownership, as well as in their printing and distribution.
11. Those of financial services companies, including banking, insurance and investment companies, for the provision of essential services
12. Telecommunications and audio-visual companies and essential computer services, as well as those networks and facilities that support them and the sectors or sub-sectors necessary for their proper functioning
13. Services related to the protection and care of victims of gender violence.
14. Lawyers, attorneys, social graduates, translators, interpreters and psychologists who attend the non-suspended proceedings.
15. Services in offices of legal, managerial, administrative and social graduates, and third-party and occupational risk prevention services, in urgent matters.
16. Services in the notaries and registries for the fulfilment of the essential services set by the General Directorate of Legal Security and Public Faith.
17. Cleaning, maintenance and repair of urgent breakdowns and surveillance services, as well as providing services in the collection, management and treatment of hazardous waste, urban solid waste, hazardous and non-hazardous. Collection and treatment of wastewater, decontamination activities and other waste management services and their transportation.
18. Reception Centres for Refugees and Temporary Stay Centres for Immigrants
19. Water supply, purification, conduction and sanitation activities.
20. Provision of meteorological forecasting and observation services and associated processes of maintenance, surveillance and control of operational processes
21. Universal postal service, in order to provide collection, admission, transport, classification, distribution and delivery services.
22. Sectors or subsectors that participate in the import and supply of medical equipment, such as logistics, transport, warehousing, customs transit companies
23. Distribution and delivery of products purchased by internet, telephone or other correspondence.
Today 31st March 2020, the SND / 307/2020 Order, has been published in the BOE. It establishes that the employed persons who must continue working, will have the right to a statement detailed below, issued by the company or
D / D. ________________________________, with DNI NIE ___________________, acting as representative of the company / employer __________________________ (NIF: _____________).
Company / employer contact details:
– Home: _______________________________________
– Phone: _______________________________________
– Email: _______________________________
Responsibly declares:
That D / D. ___________________________ with DNI /
NIE_____________________ is a worker of this company / employer and meets the conditions for not taking advantage of the recoverable paid leave established in Royal Decree-Law 10/2020.
For the purposes of facilitating the necessary routes between your place of residence and your place of work.
Day and date ________________________________________ 2020.
Signature: ________________________
D/D.ª ________________________________, con DNI ___________________, actuando como representante de la empresa/empleador __________________________ (NIF:_____________).
Datos de contacto de la empresa/empleador:
– Domicilio: _______________________________________
– Teléfono: _______________________________________
– Correo electrónico: _______________________________
Declara responsablemente:
Que D/D.ª ___________________________ con DNI _____________________ es trabajador/a de esta empresa/empleador y reúne las condiciones para no acogerse al permiso retribuido recuperable establecido en el Real Decreto-ley 10/2020.
Para que conste a los efectos de facilitar los trayectos necesarios entre su lugar de residencia y su lugar de trabajo.
En ________________________, a ____de ____________de 2020.
FDO: ________________________
Note: Please bear in mind that the document document you draw up must be in SPANISH.
Sign and add company/ACO stamp.
This information has been taken from articles published on the internet, compiled by Juan Antonio Rodríguez and translated by Bethan Trebilcock and David Fisher